CIO-SP3 Contract Information

User Agencies
Contract Number
Contract Ordering Period
July 15, 2012 – April 29, 2024
Contract Type
Prompt Payment Terms
Task Areas
- Task Area 1 – IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
- Task Area 2 – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
- Task Area 3 – Imaging
- Task Area 4 – Outsourcing
- Task Area 5 – IT Operations and Maintenance
- Task Area 6 – Integration Services
- Task Area 7 – Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
- Task Area 8 – Digital Government
- Task Area 9 – Enterprise Resource Planning
- Task Area 10 – Software Development
Achieving More By Delivering Excellence
For over 30 years, AMDEX has provided outstanding IT support to numerous other federal agencies. AMDEX is driven by our core values of excellence, honesty, integrity and quality service, demonstrated by the numerous awards received in recognition of our service excellence including the Top 100 Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) Vendor based on the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). Team AMDEX utilizes our CMMI Level 3-rated processes; task order management, DCAA certified Accounting system, Earned Value Management System and other tools to create visibility, transparency, and accountability.
To meet the array of requirements and resources required by HHS under CIO-SP3, Team AMDEX was carefully selected for their proven success in providing innovative, cost-effective, sustainable and reliable integration, software design/development, and operations and maintenance services.
CIO-SP3 Overview
NITAAC intends to award multiple IDIQ contracts for acquiring a wide range of Information Technology (IT) products, services, and solutions for the Institutes and Centers (ICs) of the NIH, for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and for all other federal agencies. The focus of a CIO-SP3 Small Business GWAC is to give qualified small businesses a greater opportunity to proactively address issues deemed vital to the federal government and specifically to provide health and biomedical-related IT services in support of federal agencies’ health missions. Through this procurement, NITAAC will provide multiple, non-mandatory Task Order contracts with improved response time and at equitable and reasonable prices to our customers. The geographic scope of this requirement includes the Continental United States and abroad.
This Statement of Work (SOW) is intended to outline the general requirements required of contractors under CIO-SP3 Small Business. Specific details of task assignments, deliverables, documentation, training, applicable government/department/industry standards, etc., will be provided within individual task orders.